Sep 24, 2020
Heya there Dear Dash Hounds. Are you taking your daily dose of bleach? If you paused on that suggestion on how to survive this terrible pandemic of 2020, you may appreciate stories of survival from the other pandemic of 1918. It’s funny, (but it isn’t) how that terrible virus was downplayed by politicians, killed an unknown number of people, and had people up in arms about their right to wear or not wear a mask. Strange Country, isn’t it? Listen as Beth and Kelly survive another week through stories, personal outbursts and laughter. Thanks always for listening- it is an act of love, and nowadays survival!
Theme music: Big White Lie by A Cast of Thousands
Cite Your Sources:
Boeckman, Katherine, Woolly Bear Caterpillars and Weather Prediction. August 2020. The Old Farmer's Almanac.
Durso, Joseph. Stengel's Death at 85 Widely Mourned. The New York Times.
Fleaury, Bruce, PhD. Tulane University. The 1918 Spanish Flu A Conspiracy of Silence by
Goldman, Kara. The White Scraf on the Door. A Lifesaving Lesson from the Spanish Flu. Stat. Editors. Roaring 20's History
Kelly, Pete. History Time: The Spanish Flu and How The World Bounced Back,