Oct 12, 2017
How much do you think about facial hair? Get ready to dive deep, and get hairy when we discuss the life of Joseph Palmer, a man persecuted for wearing the beard, in Strange Country Episode 10. It was a strange time when men were expected to be clean shaven, or else they would be attacked in fear of the free-thinkers. It's a good thing Beth wasn't around back then, she may have joined in. Tune in and beard on, or something like that.
Theme music: Resting Place by A Cast of Thousands
Cite your sources!
All About Beards. https://www.beards.org/
Atlas Obscura, http://www.atlasobscura.com/places/grave-of-joseph-palmer
Sifakis, Carl. Great American eccentrics: strange and peculiar people. Galahad Books, 1984.