Feb 25, 2021
Women have been labeled crazy in an effort to shut them up. In the 1970s, the label stuck to Martha Mitchell. Martha's husband John Mitchell headed up Nixon's reelection campaign. Richard Nixon was definitely NOT crazy. He was totally cool in a paranoid, spying, enemy-listing kind of way. Martha knew one of the Watergate burglars was connected to the campaign and that her husband lied about it. Strange Country co-hosts talk about this woman lost to history and what would happen if women actually were listened to rather than sedated.
Theme music: Big White Lie by A Cast of Thousands
Cite your sources:
Brockell, Gillian. "'I'm a political prisoner': Mouthy Martha Mitchell was the George Conway of the Nixon era." Washingtonpost.com, 21 Mar. 2019. Gale OneFile: News, link.gale.com/apps/doc/A579691680/STND?u=oswego&sid=STND&xid=212e9884. Accessed 9 Feb. 2021.
Cadden, Vivian (July 1973). "Martha Mitchell: the Day the Laughing Stopped" (PDF). The Harold Weisberg Archive.
“Cassandra.” Encyclopædia Britannica, Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc., www.britannica.com/topic/Cassandra-Greek-mythology.
Curtis, Charlotte (May 4, 1973). "Martha Mitchell Testifies in Civil Suit". The New York Times.
Farnsworth, Malcolm. “Watergate Burglars.” Watergateinfo, watergate.info/burglary/burglars.
"GOP PUNDIT RECALLS MITCHELL MAYHEM." Capital Times [Madison, WI], 25 June 1999, p. 2A. Gale OneFile: News, link.gale.com/apps/doc/A69343508/STND?u=oswego&sid=STND&xid=9a52cb77. Accessed 9 Feb. 2021.
"LADD TAKES ON MITCHELL CASE AFTER GHOSTLY VISIT." World Entertainment News Network, 23 Aug. 2010. Gale OneFile: News, link.gale.com/apps/doc/A235175297/STND?u=oswego&sid=STND&xid=e4d40550. Accessed 9 Feb. 2021.
MacPherson, Myra (June 4, 1976). "Martha Mitchell Buried" (PDF). The Washington Post.
“McCord Declares That Mrs. Mitchell Was Forcibly Held". The New York Times. February 19, 1975.
Meyer, Lawrence. “John N. Mitchell, Principal in Watergate, Dies at 75.” The Washington Post, WP Company, 10 Nov. 1988, www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/national/longterm/watergate/stories/mitchobit.htm.
“Nation: The Warbler of Watergate.” Time, Time Inc., 5 Dec. 1969, content.time.com/time/subscriber/article/0,33009,901629,00.html
Smilgis, Martha. “A Martha Mitchell Biography Raps John, but Confirms That She Loved Him Until She Died.” PEOPLE.com, 9 July 1979, people.com/archive/a-martha-mitchell-biography-raps-john-but-confirms-that-she-loved-him-until-she-died-vol-12-no-2/.
Stein, Jeff. "Trump Ambassador Beat and 'Kidnapped' Woman in Watergate Cover-Up: Reports; Stephen King, Trump's envoy to the Czech Republic, reportedly roughed up the wife of Nixon's campaign director to silence her about Watergate crimes." Newsweek, vol. 169, no. 23, 29 Dec. 2017. Gale OneFile: Popular Magazines, link.gale.com/apps/doc/A519862669/PPPM?u=nysl_sc_flls&sid=PPPM&xid=40768c7d. Accessed 9 Feb. 2021.
WINTON EVANS, KATHERINE (June 17, 1979). "Washington's Other Martha". The Washington Post. https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/entertainment/books/1979/06/17/washingtons-other-martha/f78b6750-8a6e-4647-9b71-fe90755d0e4b/