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Strange Country

Sometimes you need to have a glass of wine, cuppa whatever and listen to a good old weird story. Musical score Resting Place by A Cast of Thousands.

Jul 19, 2018

Strange Country's first-ever live show features the War of the Currents, Thomas Edison and George Westinghouse's fight for electric domination. One of its major battles took place in Auburn, NY over which current would power the first electrocution. Thanks to Auburn Public Theater for hosting us.

Theme music: Resting Place by A Cast of Thousands.

Cite Your Sources:

Barry, Dan. “A Specter of Past Executions Resurfaces in Tennesee.” The New York Times, 23 May 2014,

Brandon, Craig. The Electric Chair: an Unnatural American History. McFarland & Company, Inc., Publishers, 2009.

Clary, Mike. “Bloody Florida Execution Spurs Questions.” Los Angeles Times, 9 July 1999,

Clendinen, Dudley. “Editorial Observer; The Long Search for a Civilized Way to Kill.” The New York Times, 7 Nov. 1999,

Collins, Jeffrey. “South Carolina Senate Empowers State to Use Electric Chair.” U.S. News & World Report, 7 Mar. 2018,

“First Execution by Electric Chair.”, A&E Television Networks,

Galvin, Anthony. Old Sparky: the Electric Chair and the History of the Death Penalty. Carrel Books, 2015.

Gurstelle, William. “The Most Gruesome Government Report Ever Written Evaluates 34 Ways to Execute a Man.” Popular Mechanics, 16 Mar. 2017,

King, Gilbert. “Cruel and Unusual History.” The New York Times, 23 Apr. 2008,

King, Gilbert. “Edison vs. Westinghouse: A Shocking Rivalry.”, Smithsonian Institution, 11 Oct. 2011,

“The Last Electrocution.” The New York Times, 2005,

Long, Tony. “Aug. 6, 1890: Kemmler First to Ride 'The LIghtning'.” Wired, 5 Aug. 2008,

“Methods of Execution.” Battle Scars: Military Veterans and the Death Penalty | Death Penalty Information Center,

Newman, Andy. “BLOGOSPHERE A DARK MOMENT; The Last Man Hanged by New York State: Was He Guilty?” The New York Times, 6 Dec. 2009,