Oct 31, 2019
Velcome Dashounds, to Strange Country: The Halloween Edition. In ep. 117, co-hosts Beth and Kelly talk about the paranormal investigators who started it all, Ed and Lorraine Warren. Hear the story of Annabelle, the doll, and the Snedeker Funeral Home Haunting. . . if boo dare!!!
Theme music: Resting Place by A Cast of Thousands.
Cite your sources:
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Rubio, J'aime. “The Real Bathsheba Sherman- True History vs. ‘Conjured’ Fiction.” The Real Bathsheba Sherman- True History vs. "Conjured" Fiction, 15 July 2014, https://dreamingcasuallypoetry.blogspot.com/2014/07/the-real-bathsheba-sherman-true-history.html.
Shultz, Christopher. “Every Time Ed & Lorraine Warren Were Exposed As Total Frauds.” Ranker, https://www.ranker.com/list/ed-lorraine-frauds/christopher-shultz.
“Snedeker House.” Atlas Obscura, Atlas Obscura, 10 June 2012, https://www.atlasobscura.com/places/snedeker-house.
“Warrens Biography.” The New England Society For Psychic Research, 2017, https://www.warrens.net/warrens-biography/.
White, Abbey. “6 Cases Investigated by Ed and Lorraine Warren.” The Lineup, 10 Nov. 2017, https://the-line-up.com/ed-and-lorraine-warren-paranormal-cases.