Nov 10, 2022
From May 1968 to the following winter, Tony Costa went on a killing spree in Cape Cod. He claimed an alter ego egged him on to do the murderous deeds. Strange Country co hosts Beth and Kelly talk about this tiresome asshole and the problems of New Journalism in today’s episode.
Theme music: Big White Lie by A Cast of Thousands
Cite your sources:
Driscoll, Molly. “New errors are discovered in 'In Cold Blood.'” Christian Science Monitor, 12 February 2013, Accessed 9 November 2022.
Farhi, Paul. “Author Gay Talese disavows his latest book amid credibility questions.” The Washington Post, 30 June 2016, Accessed 9 November 2022.
Sherman, Casey. Helltown: The Untold Story of a Serial Killer on Cape Cod. Sourcebooks, Incorporated, 2022.